Friday, February 7, 2014

One week down..

I figured I needed to get my first week under my belt before I had anything to write about. This week was my first week on the floor and the three shifts, and only shifts, I will have on orientation (yikes!).  I was to orient on day shift but things got changed around and I am now back on "the dark side" (night shift). We knew taking this assignment that we would be on a day and night rotation but so far my schedule only reflects nights. Seeing that it's three months, I'm pretty sure I can suck it up. My body has responded pretty well,  so long as I get to bed right away. Coffee at four in the morning pretty much assures I will make it through the last three hours and safely home.
My preceptor has been absolutely amazing! She has helped me get use to the way things are done around the unit, showed me where things are, and helped me get use to charting. She even typed me out a sheet with important things to know (so helpful!). Every hospital charts on the computer a little bit differently, UCLA uses a system called Epic. So far I really like the system, it's just getting use to it. I think if I already had experience with this charting system this transition would be a lot easier for me, but it's nice I'm getting it out of the way on my first assignment since a lot of places are going to Epic.  Of course the more shifts I work the more comfortable I will be with things but I have to admit, after this first week I'm a little overwhelmed. The people I'm working with are great, they are a bunch of young girls who are eager to help out and work great as a team. I feel like even out of orientation I am still able to go to any of them with questions which is exactly what makes a unit work (or not work). We have residents at this hospital, making it a teaching hospital, which is a lot to get use to. I can't say one way or the other that I like it or not yet. It's nice to have them around to consult and ask questions, but I think sometimes they get ahead of themselves so I'm quickly learning when I need to stand my ground.
I'm also learning quickly that as a traveler, you have to have a strong back bone. Not always are travelers well accepted on units and sometimes you have to stand up for what you know to be right. That being said, it is important to be confident but not afraid to ask questions. I absolutely do not want to be known as the "lazy" traveler who does nothing or the one that knows too much. The doctors will walk all over you as they try and get to know you; they can tell you're learning but this is where confidence comes into play. Being comfortable on the unit will come with time, I'm not worried about that, it's just a little overwhelming at first. Overall, I love the hospital and I can't wait to see how I grow as a nurse. The experience here will be priceless!!

I am still enjoying this California lifestyle!! The weather has been great and we FINALLY got our first day of rain (I never knew I could want it to rain so bad, but it's so dry!)! I was able to have lunch with one of my Chi Omega sisters, Christine, who recently moved out here with her husband. It was nice to catch up and have another familiar face out here!!

Craig and I spent last weekend painting his room which was a fun bonding experience. I am so
thankful for this time I am getting to spend with him, I couldn't ask for a better brother! He was nice
enough to let Jillian and I come with him to his friend Julian's (funny right?)  Super Bowl party. We always have a great time with those guys and I'm appreciative that they have taken me in as their "little sis" as well.

As a form of exercise, I have been going down to Santa Monica to do "the stairs". They are a scene for a lot of celebrities but also a brutal workout if you do them enough times. I think there are close to 200 stairs and after doing them eight times (up and down is one) my legs were jello. It's a great way to get outside and be by the beach! I also spotted Robert Richard there, you may know him from Coach Carter or Cousin Skeeter.

We have seen a few celebrities here and there. The most famous so far has been Drew Berrymore, she was in The Grove across the street. Although she is pregnant, I would love to see the wonders make up and hair could do for some of us!! For those of you back home in Evansville, if you have seen the movie Back in the Day (native Michael Rosenbaum's new film out) the guy that's pretty vulgar, Nick Swardson, was casually walking down the street the other day. He is also in several
other well known comedies, most recently Grown Ups 2.
Last but not least, we have a cookie place across the street from the hospital that I'm sure is going to be my downfall. My friend Kathy told me about this place and now I can't get enough of it. For anyone that knows me, sweets are my weakness! This picture is to show you my battle every day. They have any type of cookie and you can even get ice cream cookie sandwiches for dirt cheap!

Well, that's all I've got for this week!! I will keep you updated with things going on out here. We're finally getting a paycheck!! Thanks to everyone for all of your love and support on this big adventure in my life!! It all means so much to me!!

Thanks for readin,' and love y'all!! 

1 comment:

  1. Love your Blog Hadley! What an Amazing Experience!
