Thursday, February 13, 2014


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I recently went to see the movie Gravity in 3D this week, if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it! Despite what reviews said about it, I loved it! Sandra Bullock and George Clooney float around in outer space for an hour and a half, but sometimes you have to find the silver lining. I feel the older I get the more I get out of movies, especially ones like this.
We're all at different points in life, with different careers, families, stories to tell, etc. but that's what makes it all so interesting. Yes, the idea of traveling had always crossed my mind but I never imagined that I would actually do it. I was in a city that I loved, surrounded by friends that mean the world to me, with a job that couldn't have been better... life was easy. I took out on this adventure not really knowing what to expect. I want a year to be me, to figure out what I want in life and to have a goal for my future. I want to be able to explore the country and find out what I value most. I wanted time to spend with my brother, who I am so close with and being on opposite coasts makes it hard at times. Most importantly, I want a year to grow as a nurse, a job that I have been passionate about since I was a kid. So, how does this tie into Gravity?
For those of you who have seen the movie, I almost feel like Ryan (Sandra), a medical engineer sent out on a space mission. She has the training she needs but only on land, where she's comfortable. For those who haven't seen it, I won't ruin the movie for you but even the preview will tell you that she gets detached from the space station and is floating around lost, just hoping to finally run into something that can bring her back to whats familiar. So how is that me? I was at a hospital with my closest friends, given the training that I needed to work well on that specific unit. If there was a problem, I had my friends to go to without hesitation. I was in my comfort zone. Travel nursing is much different. Already, I have found that I have the skills I need to deliver a baby but I don't have the computer training down just yet. Learning a new charting system can take a regular nurse weeks, I had three days. Thankfully I am pretty computer savvy, but by the time I am back in my comfort zone it will be on to the next hospital. Despite what one may think, I am a little bit shy around new people so it is taking some time getting to know who I can go to for questions and who my friends are going to be. Like I said before, you either love or hate travelers. Once I am in my comfort zone it will be on to the next hospital. I'm getting use to a unit that is run by residents, different order sets, and a new way of doing things, I'm WAY out of my comfort zone (I've been doing the same thing with the same people for two years!!). Don't get me wrong, this is the thrill of travel nursing.. this is why we do it. Labor and delivery nurses crave an adrenaline rush and that is exactly what this is. This is only my first assignment, so I know each hospital will get a little bit better and that is what I'm looking forward to. By my third or fourth assignment, my new comfort zone will be walking into a hospital not knowing anyone or anything and being able to dive in head first. Despite the battles Ryan was facing, she was able to use her skills the way she needed (putting it the best way to not ruin it for you).
My first day on my own was this past Tuesday, with two deliveries before 11 in the morning (getting out of recovery around 1). To quote the movie...."The way I see it, there are only two possible outcomes. Either I make it down there in one piece and I have one hell of a story to tell! Or I burn up in the next ten minutes. Either way, whichever way... no harm, no foul. "- Ryan.  I had two options, hit the ground running or give up... I hit the ground running, and this is my story to tell! It was the busiest day I've had in a long time (maybe ever). After that I was able to shadow my first c-section at this hospital, just to get how things are run in the operating room. That being said, I didn't get a break to sit down until five o'clock. By that point I was so hungry that I wasn't, and sitting made my feet hurt worse than standing. I am thankful for this day, I have learned so much from just that one day experience, and this is what I'm living for as a travel nurse.

"Either way it's going to be one hell of a ride! I'm ready!"-Ryan

For those of you back "home" in Charlotte, stay safe in the winter storm!! All of your Facebook posts and Instagram pictures have made me want a warm southern meal.. Too bad that doesn't help my bikini body for when I'm at the pool tomorrow! :)
Happy Valentine's Day!

Thanks for readin', love y'all!

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